I don't like the asymmetrical way the loops attach to the buckle on these tactical belts, but that doesn't take away from the quality and craftsmanship of this belt. This buckle has a magnetic closure that works great when you want to put on a belt. A muffled click is heard and the strap snaps into place. To remove the belt you need to pinch the ends of the buckle with both hands and then push away from the magnet. It becomes second nature after you've done it a few times. I'm assuming it's a quick release buckle, but I prefer the one-handed operation to undo the strap when needed. This buckle is also difficult to loosen under load. The strap material is excellent. It's strong enough that I can easily throw it over the bar and transfer all my weight to the belt. The closed buckle is metal and strong, while the adjustable side of the belt holds the thick mesh material without slipping. I have found that if you are not careful you can slam the buckle along with the buckle offset and only the magnet will hold things. . The strap stays that way until you put some weight on it, and then the buckle slips off.