that comes a time in which every player needs a new remote regardless of how well they treat it. This is the one that’s been tested and bested through more extremities than the rest did..! my house is crazy and got four kids if not five, or 7 to 10 if you include the neighbors at times..! Setting down and dropping is not just a thing of the pastand present, but also the future of all the minions to come.. this is the exact brand and device I myself, as well as my nephew, and my cousin have all purchased these simultaneously. They last about the same for all of us, which is around a year to a year and a half if not too. If it breaks before the year, you can send it in for a free one through Microsoft. I do that all the time with my elite two versions. They’re too heavy, so if they fall, there’s a lot of components to be busted up inside. Humpty Dumpty doesn’t get put back together very well again. This controller works well for my computer as well. If you purchase one online, make sure to get one without the cord, so in other words get a non-wired version. And just buy a longer thicker cord in which will allow for travel much faster than the other one comes with. Plus you wouldn’t be able to sit on the couch or walk around or push OK while your game is loading as you go, get the milk or orange juice that day…! Maybe a little snack like an I-Scream, some licorice, a snickers, ice cream, a snowcone, and some popcorn for after.?