I like to use this adapter at home and when traveling abroad. На самом деле я купил его, чтобы использовать в велосипедной поездке по Корее — мне нужно было что-то компактное, легкое и удобное для подзарядки телефона, часов Garmin, наушников Bluetooth и портативного зарядного устройства — все от одной розетки на случай, если их не a lot of. accessible. That was excellent! I've also used this with hair straighteners at the dorm. And of course, having multiple devices in one outlet is handy at home. I didn't really like the connector pins - they're pretty finicky and I couldn't easily snap them into place. I had to hold the "lock" while trying to plug it into the socket or the pins would just retract. But I did it and got what I wanted in the end. I really wish they could improve on this work but I still think it was a worthwhile purchase.