I'm an EE pensioner. I spend a lot of time keeping my brain working by doing small electronic projects. I've spent dozens of hours trying to get the PIC project to work - all to no avail. All examples I used were Arduino based; and I just couldn't decipher the Arduino code enough to understand the details. So I broke down and bought it hoping that if I could get it to work I would have enough electronic gear to reverse engineer the signals, if not the code. It worked. But this review is about Elegoo Mega. I've only done two things with the platform. But I can tell you that both projects worked flawlessly, as if I had a "real" Arduino. Of course, all the Arduino stuff is open source, so maybe I shouldn't be surprised, but it was nice not having to worry about compatibility issues while learning. I will continue to create projects in the PIC ecosystem. I fully understand the inner workings of code - all code. But since the Arduino ecosystem is so much bigger than any other platform, I'm sure I'll keep using this little board to figure out how to move to another platform. And I don't feel like a Mcirochip traitor. since AVR products are now part of the same company. If you're concerned about build quality or compatibility due to my very limited experience (the project I've been working on has impacted much of the Arduino ecosystem, so I may not have "much" design experience, but I do have a lot of projects myself anyway, I have quite a bit of experience with the Arduino ecosystem) Don't worry, this product is really, really good.
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