This is a very cute, easy to assemble and relatively inexpensive tricycle. My baby loves stickers and sound effects. And he really wants to drive it. There are 2 big problems. He is small and thin. My 2.5 year old is pretty average and already too big for him. And the steering wheel (the steering wheel that controls the big front wheel) is too loose, so it always tilts to one side. He falls so low that the pedals don't turn and he gets stuck. He also rolled over with it several times; Luckily it's low enough that it can't hurt itself. But it's impossible to learn how to ride this tricycle because it's too young to understand steering and pedaling at the same time, and when it's old enough it won't fit on it at all. I wish it was better designed, a little bigger or a little stronger because it's so cute.
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