Beautiful, slightly transparent bags with a beautiful gold band to close the bag. The bag looks so dainty but is also good for storing a wrapped gift, card or loose items like a potpourri or candy. The seller also has many other colors and themes, as well as sizes. I bought a bag with a gold star that looks so beautiful. I used them at Christmas, but I can use them for a variety of occasions throughout the year. My family, friends and colleagues who received a gift from me in this bag asked me if they could leave the bag. It was so fun because they loved the bag so much that I had to remind them that the real gift was inside. Very funny. The cost of the bags is a good deal and I will be buying more bags (various sizes/themes) to have on hand if I need to pack/distribute something quickly or planned.
TEVIN suitcase, ABS plastic, support feet on the side, waterproof, wear-resistant, 52 l, size S, dark blue
9 Review
π Hallmark 15 Inch Extra Large Birthday Gift Bag with Tissue Paper (Happy B-Day, Black and Silver)
8 Review
Set of 2 Large Laundry Bags with Handles and Drawstring in Blue and Beige - Household Essentials/2 Pack
9 Review
π Deluxe Naughty List Coal Surprise: Plush Red Velvet Jewelry Bag with Genuine Coal & Designer Gift Tag!
8 Review
Hallmark Large Black Gift Box with Lid β Perfect for Christmas, Hanukkah & Special Occasions!
7 Review
SketchGroup 50 pcs Pink Polka Dot Favour Boxes with Ribbons and Thank You Stickers - Luxury Packaging for Baby Shower, Wedding, Bridal Shower - 3x3x2 inch (Pink Polka Dot, 50)
7 Review
π Moretoes White Gift Boxes 12 Pack: Versatile Paper Gift Boxes for Various Occasions - Weddings, Bridesmaid Proposals, Graduations, Birthdays, Engagements, and Christmas
7 Review
π KaCoon Accessories- Large Collapsible Magnetic Gift Box with Long Ribbon, Chic & Simple Style, 14βx9.5βx4.5β, Matte Black, Gift Box with Magnetic Closure
6 Review