These shoes are fully synthetic with a simple, boring design. In terms of comfort, this is definitely not the most comfortable shoe I've ever worn. The sole is a bit cushioned but it's very thin so they feel pretty flat and firm on the ground. The lace guard is flimsy and doesn't offer much comfort against the laces. I was expecting them to be more breathable due to the open mesh material, but they seem to retain quite a bit of heat and don't feel chilly. These are very modest shoes, they have no notable design or anything that catches my attention or draws me in. I don't like that the collar of the boot drops so low that the toes are showing. You can also slip off too easily with tight laces. I don't expect them to last long / Overall for the price you can get branded sneakers that look way better and probably last longer than these. Thank you for reading my review. If you found them helpful, please let me know below.