Long hunted for this beauty in the RRC. As a result, I snatched it for 40990. I immediately purchased an additional gamepad and pulse headphones. What can I say, I didn’t have a 4-ki, but it is not comparable with the third. 1) I'll start with the design - it's great. In addition, the console can either be placed vertically or horizontally. But, to be honest, it looks much nicer vertically and it is more convenient to hang headphones directly on it. In general, I had to make repairs to suit the design (just kidding). 2) It practically does not make noise and does not heat up. After several hours of gaming, it worked almost silently, and it works. Well, really, why make noise then? There is no screw, but the turntables are quiet. The TV gets hotter than she does. 3) Everything flies. SSD, of course, makes itself felt. Games start instantly (again, I compare with PC and PS3). 4) Exclusives. As a skipper of the 4th generation, I'm overjoyed to play the PS4's missed hits. In addition, there will soon be games for the fifth. 5) Graphics. I'm not really imbued with the theme of graphics yet, due to the fact that I play games from a subscription (and they were originally under 4k), but the starting educational game has fantastic detail. 6) The gamepad has a lot of bells and whistles, from a speaker with a microphone, to vibration positioning, and the pulses also convey 3D sound wonderfully. In general, in 4K and branded ears, the effect of complete immersion is created, which is very pleasing. 7) By the way, it is worth noting that although she is smart, games like demon's souls lose FPS in the quality mode, which is unpleasant. In general, for the RRC - a wonderful toy. But I see no reason to pay more, this is not such a breakthrough. But for the RRC - 5+. Oh yes, Type-C on the joystick and ears is very pleased. I had to buy a 4K TV =)