I bought this to drill a hole in a stainless steel sink for a soap dispenser. I used a hammer drill to make a small indentation in the sink to keep the drill bit from moving. I built a ring out of plumbing a little bigger than the denture. put the ring around the dent I had made, filled the ring with some tool oil. This allowed me to drill in an oil bath while keeping the bit well lubricated and cool. Any car oil will do. I put my cordless drill on low speed so I spin slowly (very important) in about 30 seconds to a minute, I had the cleanest, smoothest, most perfect hole I could imagine. I also had a mess under my sink where all the oil and shavings fell off, so you can put an old rag under the sink to pick up the mess. Be patient, this will take some time. Resist the temptation to drill faster. If you see any sign of smoke during use, stop, add more oil and slow down the drill. When you heat stainless steel it becomes very hard and very difficult to pierce. I can now marvel at the beauty and craftsmanship of this tool as it will sit in my tool chest for the next 20 years until I decide to clean out my garage.