At a load of 100%, the noise is slightly above average, it is fixed through an undervolt. I took it for 25k, taking into account all discounts and cashbacks, so I'm sooooo happy. Of the small pluses, the inscription on the video card shimmers in rgb. The card itself is quite large, I even had to change the case a little, but it was a problem in the case, so in principle, middle brand + cases will be normal.
In order to provide a more complete overview of my experience, I have included some photos with my review.
36-Pack Black Rubber PC CPU/Case Fan Screws/Rivets Set for Computer
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Glarks 660 Pieces Phillips Assortment Motherboard
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Comprehensive 500pcs Laptop Screw Kit Set for 🔩 IBM HP Dell Lenovo Samsung Sony Toshiba Gateway Acer
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🖥️ Helifouner 450-Piece Computer Standoffs Spacer Screws Kit: Ideal for Hard Drive, Motherboard, Fan, Power Graphics & Computer Cases
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