We've tried different brands and styles of diaper bags, mainly because these Arm & Hammer bags aren't exactly the cheapest out there, but we went back to them after being dissatisfied with other brands. Ultimately, a diaper bag has one primary function: to contain a dirty diaper AND its odor. If it can't, it doesn't matter what it looks like, how easily it closes, or what it's made of. With that in mind, I find these bags better than others we've tried: 1) They're pretty durable. In other words, if they were a little thinner they might tear too easily, but if they were a little thicker they would be unnecessarily thick and heavy. You will find the right balance between strength and compactness. 2) They don't have shoelaces or other fancy ties. While this may seem like a downside, consider how drawstring garbage bags look when you close them: no matter how hard you pull on the drawstrings, the bag never closes completely; There's always a little hole, isn't there? Normally it doesn't matter much, but when there's a dirty diaper in your pocket, even a small hole won't do - trust me. So if you want to seal these bags tightly, you need to tie a simple knot in them that seals the odor. 3) They are compact: a roll of 30 bags is very small, making them easy to transport even indoors. Plastic dispenser. Lest I get too carried away, here are a few things I do NOT like about these bags: 1) Their smell. It's listed as "Lavender" and I assume it is, but I'm not a fan. Luckily it's not a very strong smell so it was easy to wear and smells better than the contents of the packs. 2) Donor. It's simple and compact, but it takes a little fiddling to get the bag out. On the other hand, the roller inside the dispenser can be turned easily, so that the bags are unlikely to fall out on their own. 3) price. But then again, I've tried cheaper diaper bags from several other brands and kept coming back to these. It seems you get what you pay for here.
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