I've used a few of these bits on my CNC with no problems, but I've noticed that a lot of the odd bits aren't sized there. I have no idea what size they should program into the toolpath. I'll have to use a caliper to hopefully get close enough. I also wish this set had a bit more type variety, like some v.
πͺ AFUNTA 4-Flute 0.08" Milling Bits
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SpeTool 5Pcs/Set Flat Nose Double Flute Carbide End Mill 1/32" Cutting Dia Router Bits Cutter CNC Machine Tools For Carbon Steel Soft Alloy Steel Die Steel Tool Steel Cast Iron Wood
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π§ SPEED TIGER Carbide Square Mill - Precision Tool for Enhanced SEO
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Autotoolhome High-Speed Steel Straight Cutter
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