The product was fairly easy to assemble. Due to the length of the screws, it was a bit difficult to get past the edge of the bracket, but that's understandable as you don't want longer screws that can snap through when screwing in the hardware on the other side. Once installed. the product is very durable. The swivel arms make a loud click when they snap into place. So if you're looking for a "silent" covert version of this device, you might not like this one. I would recommend putting some form of padding under and over your desk or wherever you place it as this product left some dents on my elevated standing desk which is made of a hard plastic material. After seeing this I simply placed a piece of cardboard under and over my desk where the hardware is attached to prevent further damage caused by how much pressure I could put on this product. All in all. I am a satisfied customer and would recommend the product to anyone looking for a similar solution. Thank you for reading!
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