Great shoes for 30 degrees and below. Super soft and super warm. Not waterproof but very good in the snow with the right socks. Surprisingly, ice or slippery mud is no good. The paws are just too big. It's about the same as any trail running shoe on ice. You really should do micro spikes if you're running on something slippery. Another surprise, they do a great job with loose rock. They protect your feet better than any trail shoe I've run in. They don't even have a stone slab. They protect your feet and keep you really warm. You don't feel comfortable in the heat. Very warm! Also not appropriate shoes for speed, flat terrain or distances over 10-13 miles. They're slow and heavy when climbing, but they grip well and have found that the grip helps offset the weight of the shoe. My time doesn't really change unless I'm running on flat terrain. They are incredibly downhill and you never have to worry about bruising or injuring your feet. Recommend this shoe for cold weather, fresh snow without ice and technical terrain. Great winter shoes!
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