BrandAlley is a company that gives importance to fashion, where world-famous brands are offered for sale, and helps its customers to choose.
Your first order over £75 after signing up on BrandAlley will get a £15 discount. There are 6 payment methods. You make your payments with a secure payment infrastructure.
There is a flat shipping fee for all orders shipped over UK mainland. Products are shipped directly by suppliers or through this company. Shipping times vary according to these situations. The return period is 60 days. You can return the product provided that it does not damage the product.
I reviewed BrandAlley's product prices. Their products are very cheap. Frankly, this took me a little by surprise. There are also many discounted products. There are discounts up to 90%. There are many different products that you cannot find in many places.
Conclusion: BrandAlley is a company that has been serving its customers in this sector for years, has a wide product infrastructure and has managed to survive in the sector.