RPI2 RPI2 Rogue Serial Console Adapter is supported by FreeBSD. One caveat: the red +5 volt wire on the USB side, which probably shouldn't be used with the RPI2. Update 6/7/16 Out of the four cables I purchased, it looks like at least one is no longer recognized as a USB device. All four worked when purchased, but at least one and possibly two stopped working. Updated 06/11/16. The two "non-working" cables have been tested with the Prolific drivers on OS X Macintosh. Both were recognized. When the cables were retested with the same host and software (FreeBSD 11-CURRENT) where they had previously failed, they _really_ worked and worked for at least 24 hours. "The PL2303 chip is the most puzzling. The supplier was quick to offer a replacement or refund, but then declined the offer of a replacement, saying it would cause a delay. At this point I would prefer a replacement to a refund due to shipping issues, but will withhold judgment until further testing is complete. Update 8/1/18 to replace JBtek blocks. Since then, other shortcomings have emerged. JBtekadapter adapters are used to connect one RPI2's serial console to another's USB system, and they work for at least some of the time (days, sometimes months) before they lock up. It's still not clear. Why are they blocking, maybe it's a noise or grounding issue. Electricity doesn't seem to be an issue; measured five volts on the Pi at the USB end. Once devices get stuck, the Pi must be cycled on the USB end, or both ends of the adapter must be unplugged to reset the device. After that, they remain open for a few more days or weeks before closing again. This is normal in the workplace, but not suitable for automated work. For unclear reasons, using the Nulsom NS-RS232 ttl-rs232 level switch causes additional problems that seem to block the USB-to-serial adapter. This is a new discovery that has yet to be explored.