I was eager to test out HYS Company's products because I frequently utilize audio and communication gadgets on the go. However, I was severely let down by their offerings. The first problem was the poor quality of their portable audio devices. The output sound was still tinny and flat despite the adjustments. It was also tough to watch my favorite shows and movies because their media gadgets were old and had low resolution. The next thing I noticed was how unstable their communication tools were. This included their CB and two-way radios. The fact that their signals frequently dropped and their range was short negated any benefit they may have provided. Moreover, their extras were too pricey for what little benefit they provided to my speaking and listening. In addition, the quality of their support services was really low. They were useless and disrespectful when I tried to reach out to them to voice my concerns. It was obvious that they did not value their clients' happiness. In general, if you're in the market for a portable audio or communication device, I wouldn't suggest anything made by HYS Company. There are many different providers available that have higher-quality goods and services.