I like all of my contracts! It's made life sooo much easier when writing them. When looking at multiple options from various contacts/companies it becomes overwhelming quickly if you need help deciding which option to use vs not using one in certain cases (such as price). You can't do this with other software or services because they arenít able to pull back specific details about what makes an offer enticing enough but doesn´tyou have this ability here! If your wanting more detailed information then clickable links are included within each contract too!! This lets me know where their link goes in case anyone wants to follow up later via phone call etc.. The fact there isn’t email notifications set-up after someone has signed off helps ensure nothing slips through the cracks until things actually start happening! The interface has been very easy to learn with my limited computer experience. I can't think of anything that would make me dislike this product. It's not perfect, there are some minor things that could be improved. But it's a good start! If you're looking at other products in the market, give this one a try first. You will find that it has a lot of features that will help you out. We have been able to streamline our workflow using click2contract.