this article works very well I'm glad I saw this, I didn't even know it existed. The soldering practice really ruined my soldering iron tip and I didn't have an extra tip for it and couldn't find a part number to order a new one. Appreciate for the money this would be the best choice if it works I'll take some! Well, I can only tell you. It works great! Not only did it work, my soldering iron is like new again! The tip picked up solder like it was new after using this product according to the instructions! I couldn't believe it! That's chemistry for you! I'm so happy! I am really very happy with the results of this product and the effect it is having not only on my soldering iron but also on my soldering skills. It's hard to believe how much better you can solder when your tools work properly! LOL I was pretty new to electronics and soldering! Still me, but this stuff WORKS!