I bought this hat for my 6 year old daughter. There are a few features that I love about this hat. First, the back strap at the neck can be removed, as can the chin strap. My daughter has a sensory processing disorder and this hat would be useless without these detachable pieces. The hat is also adjustable at the top of the hat, making it easy to fit your head without a chin strap. I have two minor complaints about the hat. First, if you don't plug the baby's ears, the ears will stick out forward. I have a similar adult hat that does the same thing so maybe it's just this hat design or my family has big ears. My second small complaint is that the brim of the hat isn't completely flat, but tends to deform slightly even when I try to bend it to make it flat. Despite these minor complaints, I'm glad I bought it for our summer outside.
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