I have both the 5b and the larger 55. Both work well in a drill although they tend to generate serious vibration as they are always inherently unbalanced. I bought these through Revain.com and went back to look for cutter blade sets as mine became dull after cutting through a few sheets of thin aluminum plate for camping cookware lids - the cutter tip gets VERY hot due to the large circle of motion. I've noticed that a replacement blade costs essentially the same ($10) as a whole new cutter, which is ridiculous! REPLACEMENT BLADES MUST BE SOLD IN PACKS OF 5 OR 10 and should also be made of tungsten carbide to last longer in high temperatures. When using, try to position the cutting tip as high as possible so that the pilot drill does not enlarge the pilot hole, and clamp the material to be cut if possible - the blades tend to get stuck in the material just before the cut is complete and the rotating material may cut your hand or damage the disc or hole. You can also try cutting them in half on each side. Use safety goggles as these tools will scatter clippings everywhere. Tip: If you want to cut a shim instead of a hole and eliminate a rough edge, mount the shim in a 1/4" bolt, fender washers, and some 1" squares of thick rubber sheeting (I used spare fender stock) to make a "sandwich" of the washer holder, for example: bolt-washer-rubber-WASHER-rubber-washer-nut-locknut-nut. The rubber compresses the disk so that it rarely spins. You can put a 1/4" bolt in a drill press (like a poor man's lathe) and use a file and sandpaper or sanding mesh to round and deburr the edges. If the pilot hole is too large, try a 5/16" or drill out to use a 5/16" stud. Otherwise the disc will rotate slightly off-centre. BE CAREFUL when you first start the drill as the raw sharp edge of the disc can seriously cut. !When finished, if you wish, you can sand the surfaces of the discs well with fine sandpaper (remove washers and rubber parts to get closer to the pilot hole and use light touches to avoid loosening the disc) . They don't mention it, but you can use a blade to cut a hole (pointing out) or a disc (pointing in) if you want the cutting edge to be vertical instead of tapered. For some, these circular cutters are the only tool that works.