Update June 1, 2021: Unfortunately lost the controller shown in the photo today. Maybe it's because the solar panel is generating more power than the controller can handle. It was a quick 10 minute switch with a spare. Overall I am very happy with these controllers and plan to continue using them in the future. SETUP: I built 2 separate solar systems using Solar World's 300W modules, but I made the mistake of running them with a simpler PWM. (PWM) 30 amp controller and only collected half the available power. PRO: I was pleasantly surprised that this is a true solar controller with Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT). I replaced the PWM controllers with these PowMr MPPTs and got 500-700 watts in daily production. Each panel now produces an average of 1,050 watts per day, up from the previous 500 watts per day. Even at 600w (2 x 300w panels) they don't get very hot so the lack of active cooling doesn't seem to affect power production. The controllers are easy to set up as they don't have huge features, and at around $100 they're a good deal compared to other MPPT controllers. Two USB ports are a nice touch. CONS: Like other PowMr solar controllers, they don't tell you how many amps they're producing per day, so you'll have to use a separate meter like a Bayite monitor (as shown). on photo #1). It comes with a communications port, but I have yet to find a suitable monitor. Both Revain providers (PowMr and OOYCYOO) inflate the maximum bandwidth of their controllers. At 12v the max power is 720w and at 24v the max power is 1440w. Make sure your system is designed with enough overhead to allow for more power/amps on very sunny or cool days as the solar panels generate more electricity than stated. Finally, the reliability is unknown.
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