I thought the price on them ($26 at time of purchase) was too good to be true and unfortunately I was right. The design is absolutely disgusting. The hinge at the base is held in place with just one screw pushing against it, causing the whole thing to wobble dangerously. The levers definitely don't flex as much as the photos suggest, and when fully folded the springs actually block one of the adjustment knobs from turning. There's very little freedom in adjusting the mic, as there's no fun way to rotate the stabilizer mount other than loosening it where it screws into the mount. The "clip" for the pop filter is nonsense and his arm swings freely without attaching anything to the clamp. The microphone seemed like the only decent part of this kit, although you'd better make sure you have a phantom power adapter or your call quality will degrade significantly. So basically you're paying for a mediocre microphone and a bunch of junk. . I would suggest looking elsewhere.