Основные проблемы с этим списком уровней: 1) В листинге говорится, что маятник можно заблокировать и переключить в ручной режим для работы под углами, и что у него есть "четкое руководство и инструкции" , But that's not the case. t. Attempting to follow the manual/tilt lock instructions does not work - it beeps and flashes. Also 2) In the "Customer Questions" section, when asked if the level can be powered by AC or battery, the seller replied that "both AC and battery are fine". But as soon as I opened the case I saw that the batteries can only be connected to the power supply if they are removed from the level, so the level cannot be started if it is connected to the power supply. I was excited to think that a spirit level would come in handy after the batteries finally gave out. I'll try to change this review when I figure out how to get the lock/tilt feature to work.