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Review on Troxel Rebel Helmet Turquoise Medium by Clayton Jimenez

Revainrating 1 out of 5

Not sure The best helmet in the sport

Bought this helmet for my 9 year old granddaughter. While riding in the arena, her horse was afraid of the rain hitting the metal roof. He stopped, but immediately pushed her away. This has never happened before. My granddaughter's face was on the arena floor, which was sand. The visor of this helmet broke and hit my granddaughter in the forehead. She was taken to our local hospital as she was not feeling well. She was then transferred to Westchester Medical Center with a head injury and 5 brain bleeds! She has had several MRI scans, another one is due in 3 months. She will no longer be able to ride a horse or engage in activities such as fitness, cycling, etc. until her injury is fully healed. I bought this helmet to protect my granddaughter from any kind of injury but it didn't work and now I can't even return it. Would I recommend this helmet, absolutely NOT!

  • The best in its niche
  • Not everything fits