This bag fits my SV650 really well and keeps small items I might need and my gloves ready for when I get off the bike. My only major criticisms are that I wish the phone holder was a bit bigger, my Note 9 fits without a case, but it's still a bit of a hassle to put the flap on and there's no hole to go through could. power cord. I liked the bag so much in that regard that I mangled it by cutting a small hole to route the USB cable through the bottom of the phone holder to the battery in the main compartment and cutting the top flap to make it easier use a bigger one. phones. It doesn't affect the hull at all and works really well for me. The 2 magnets seem strong enough to hold the bag to the steering column alone without a strap, but I always leave them on as extra insurance. The magnetic flaps fold up and clip together so they don't get in the way when you need to take them off and carry them like a bag when walking to the store or elsewhere. The manual mentions that VHS tapes can't be kept in a bag as that can degauss them, so I'm looking for other ways to transport my emergency copies of Jurassic Park.
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