It was established in 2008, it focusing in selling apparel, footwear, and racquet sports equipment. This platform has good tracking record. i noticed that it has forms of payment that is flexible, payment can be made through Visa card, Master card and Paypal. I found the platform very easy to use, it has frequently asked questions that help to provides needed answers to some of the questions that can comes to mind regarding the platform. It worth mentioning that it is only ship to united State of America and Canada for now. security is most import issue that need to be considered while using any platform, i had no security issue with the platform it is highly secured. I notice that it has effective shipping method that is using which is highly commendable. In my opinion the platform can add more fiat asset on the platform it only has Canadian dollar on it web. Return policy allows 30 days which i considered to be alright by me. It has effective customer service medium of communication, Chat, email address, Telephone number.