I have bought many bags around the world and in all price ranges. This is undeniably fantastic. This is a quality bag, much better than expected for the price. That looks great. I bought it because my big bags couldn't fit anything and my small bags couldn't fit everything. I need a small briefcase that will serve as a handbag. It's definitely not for a laptop or work. Don't even try. For me it fits my iphone plus, kindle, moleskin journal, mail, smaller book, large wallet, hand sanitizer, small bag of baby wipes, pens. It's structured around what I like and was looking for, so it's all worth it. I'm 5ft 8" and it fits and lies well when worn over the shoulder. The straps with handles aren't big enough for the shoulder, but that doesn't bother me since the long strap is meant for the shoulder. My expectations weren't very high given the price, but now that I have it I'd pay twice as much. It's only been a week, but 5 stars! Obtain!
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