Those individuals who are considering purchasing a Samsung watch may find the review helpful. There are probably hundreds of individuals in this room who have been fortunate with this watch, but I have a story that has convinced me never to purchase a Samsung wearable device, despite the fact that I had looked at older models. Here are the reasons: 1) passed away exactly one year after his wife had been using him carefully. 2) The employees in the official service center located on Paveletskaya were unable to assist. I went there twice, but they didn't run any diagnostics. Either they don't know how, or the clock won't let them; they re-upload the software and send it, but the issue isn't resolved. The only solution available is an extreme one, which entails either replacing the display with a cover or, "if it doesn't help," the board, which is more expensive than purchasing a brand new watch. 3) The personnel of the service center raise some concerns about the dependability of the gadget by asking the following questions: "did you wet them?", to which I responded, "yes, occasionally in the shower and occasionally in the rain." They replied, "well, better all the same, do not expose them to water, you probably got water," despite the fact that they are waterproof up to 5 atmospheres."