Possibly the worst item I've ever bought from Amazon. On average, two out of three lamps failed. Lifetime 3 months each. I will now fit the 3rd and final bulb and then order bulbs from another manufacturer, expecting the last bulb to fail soon. When attempting to remove the first failed bulb, the glass erupted from its base and required pliers. The hassle of changing bulbs because of poor quality isn't worth any potential cost savings with this product. I'd happily pay three times more to find a lightbulb that lasts at least a year. That the product is called "Super Durable" with "PREMIUM QUALITY" is at least worth a laugh, so thanks for that.
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๐งฐ De'Longhi DLSC322 Coffee Machine Set: Water Filter and EcoDecalk for Optimal Performance
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Upgrade Your Ninja Foodi Experience With 9Pc Air Fryer Accessory Set: Non-Stick Cake Pans, Bread Rack, Skewer Rack, Cake Cups, Silicone Mitts, Air Fryer Liners & Recipes!
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300PCS Pre-Cut Unbleached Parchment Paper Sheets - Perfect For Baking, Grilling, Air Fryer & Steaming!
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SMARTAKE Non-Stick Parchment Paper Roll, 13 In X 164 Ft (177 Sq. Ft) For Baking, Cooking, Air Fryer, Steamer, Kitchen, Cookies, Bread, And More - White Baking Pan Liner
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