I like how easy it was for me as an intern at my internship site using their tool! It's very user friendly so anyone could use this product without difficulty or any problems whatsoever - great concept overall!! Nothing really but would love more features if possible such as being able to add links into one area instead of having several different tabs which makes things harder than necessary haha. Definitely try out qwed because its amazing once u get used too :). If i had issues while trying to do something specific maybe ask someone else about it cuz im not sure why ur problem happens? But other then that everything has been perfect! Great idea by itself plus good execution = success here :) Asking questions online/writing articles from home during quarantine times where everyone isn't allowed outside anymore due to COVID 19 pandemic situations. This helped us stay productive even though we were unable to go outdoors much easier communication between coworkers especially since there are many remote workers now.