I have two toddlers and got this seat because I wanted both kids to ride my bike but didn't want him towing a trailer used. This meant that one child had to ride behind my seat (I had a CoPilot Limo Bicycle child seat for that) and the other in front, which I bought this iBert seat for. First of all, the plus points of the seat. 1) Very easy to install (at least on my bike). The co-pilot took literally hours to install (although I guess you could say the problem was with the Blackburn CSR-1 bike rack which the seat snaps into and not the seat itself, but the fact is the rack is a large problem was). to be installed on our two bicycles as well as on two of my neighbor's bicycles). iBert installs in about 15-20 minutes. While iBert's hardware was easy to install, the benefit of installing Co-Pilot means you can mount this seat on different bikes at will (as long as a rack is installed), while iBert only works with one bike. that you have with iBert hardware. However, the ease of installation was VERY appreciated! 2) My two girls like to ride in front. It really makes them feel like they are "riding" a bike. You can put your hands on the steering wheel and see what you see. 3) It's easy to talk to a child sitting in a chair. Since you're seeing the same things, you can also talk about landscape/city features as they occur. It's much harder to hear a child behind you because the wind blows the sound away from you. With a child in front of you: a) your head is a foot from their head [not 3 feet] and b) the wind is whipping their words straight at you. Now for the big downside of the seat, at least for me. . There is not enough space between the back of the iBert and the front of my seat to stand up. Unfortunately, while my bike fits me, the seat does not drop low enough for me to comfortably put my feet on the ground while sitting in the seat. I usually just stand over the frame rail, but with iBert on there isn't enough room. This means that getting up and down the curb or waiting for traffic or pedestrians is quite inconvenient, and I have to dismount my bike completely to get up or down the curb. If your bike seat can be lowered so you can put your feet on the ground, that's not a big deal (although you're no longer in the ideal pedaling position). I like the seat very much. . As I said, the riding and the interaction with my daughter during the ride is particularly appealing. When she drives behind me it's hard to hear or understand what she's talking about because I can't see what she's looking at.
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