A user who has few requirements but wants to minimize the amount of space taken up on the table is an excellent choice. It is possible to conceal it from children, and as a result, you will have more room in your bag for a standard calculator or a notebook. But for folks who play video games or work in information technology, absolutely not at all. Some advantages include its ultra-compact size, the fact that it can be paired with three different devices, and its lengthy run time on just two batteries. You are free to take and take away anything at any time from the table. Below are some downsides: My well-trained fingers very rarely hit the appropriate buttons, and not a single reflex to the hot keys actually works. It appears that the dimensions of the keyboard are relatively standard (about 5% smaller than the full-sized one). At the same time, the shift on the left is not long enough, and the PgUp, PgDown, Home, and End keys are not present. That was beyond my capabilities.