It is just necessary to have the backlight on in order to visually discern which mode is active without having to concentrate on the mode switch. There is no alternative interpretation for the term "lighting." Make sure that the thrust in the application is adjusted properly so that the top 10% is already at its maximum. You can also arrange the application to activate certain buttons, such as those drawn on the rod, when you reach a percentage greater than 100%. Carefully! The joystick has a high degree of responsiveness across all axes. Calibrate it in the app by adjusting the sensitivity curves and consider turning down the sensitivity in the game before you use it in any kind of game that takes itself seriously. If nothing is changed and everything stays the same, then, for instance, in Arma 3, it will be nearly hard to operate the interceptor, and you can forget about precision bombing altogether. From the moment you make the slightest movement, you will be flung and chased. However, when you configure it to work for you, it will be a fantastic experience. Note that the curves should be changed such that they resemble the formula y=x3 for all axes because there is some room for play in the data. If it is configured in this manner, the aircraft will be able to sharply maneuver at the maximum angle of inclination while precisely aiming at the target, provided that the deviation from the center is sufficiently significant. You have the option, within the same application, to manually define the Deadzone for each axis, both positively and negatively. This is useful in the event that the sensors are malfunctioning in some way. TL;DR: Joystick for those who want to get the most out of technology and are prepared to burrow into the settings for hours before actually starting to use it.