The transmitter lights up as soon as you insert batteries, which shouldn't be the case. Nothing to see. The on/off button does nothing. The only way to turn off the fairly blank display is to remove the batteries. The receiver seems to work fine, of course there is nothing to receive. Get what you pay for I think. I will try a replacement. .Update, exchange after 3 days. Well, this one works, except. The instructions are practically useless. It has a button to turn on, switch from Celsius to Fahrenheit and backlight. So when you press it, it defaults to Celsius and turns on the backlight. Then, after 15 seconds, the backlight will turn off on both devices, by default, every time you touch the button, the Celsius scale will be used. Unreadable without backlight. And I don't see a way to keep it enabled, by default every time I want it to be Fahrenheit it's a pain so it comes back because it just doesn't cut it. So I'm only giving one star out of two because the probes, sensor and receiver all give the same readings and the correct temperature. You see a lot of the same thing, just the names of different brands, the buyer is wary.
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