Fighting games that include a lot of diagonal movement work really well with the d-pad on the Xbox 360 since the commands are much clearer. I purchased it so that I could play TEKKEN 7 and other games of a similar nature, however there were issues with the wireless connection. Has pros: The case is nice to hold and fits snugly in the palm of your hand. The buttons were crunchy, and the reaction was fantastic. Ease of maintenance; it is simple to replace the sticks and buttons, and it is also simple to take apart and clean the interior. Playing capabilities achieved by connecting with a USB Type-C cable. Got cons: It is necessary to have an original XBox node, which acts as an additional controller, in order to play a game over Bluetooth in comfort. When the gamepad is connected to any other Bluetooth node, it sends signals from many buttons at the same time. Additionally, the buttons change their purpose and overall make it more difficult to enjoy a good gaming experience.