+ Update + The seller contacted me and offered to replace the handbag and I really hope the quality issue with the bag I received was just an accident. I will update the information as soon as I receive a new item. I also really appreciate that they are trying to fix the problem. I also want to reiterate, even though he's broken, he's very cute and I got a lot of compliments on it. I don't think people looking at it even noticed that I had to wear it with MacGyver. --------- I really wish I could give this item a higher rating, but I bought this to wear to a friend's wedding and I took it out once, and the loop on which the strap is attached just fell off. I had to put the hook in the seam just behind the zipper and go through the whole trick. However, it's pretty darn cute and even after it broke I still got a lot of positive feedback.
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