It's easy to use online, it sends messages right from my computer! That's why I keep this software on me always! There is nothing great about this software that you cannot do yourself by getting familiar with USPS postage pricing structure. I find that this is the easiest software out there to use for mailing, because I do not need to call post office to get information. The only thing that sometimes happens - is sending messages - it can take longer time than usual or just doesn't go through. So I have to do everything over again (read address, check rates on website vs what I get in software). Use this software if you send lots of bulk mailings. If you don't plan ahead you will be doing it every year. Sending mass numbers of invoices/statements, bills and also other marketing material, you will save tons of money with using this software. I'm I like that this software allows for me to prepare my bulk mail at one time instead of doing it by hand every day. It is easy to use even for new users. There are not many features, but as long as you know what your looking for there isn't much you can do wrong with this software. If you want an inexpensive way to create postcards or send out flyers then this program will be perfect! We have used bulk mail marketing before using other programs, so we knew what to expect from this program.