Paid full price and received them on time via Revain Prime. The price of these bags seems higher than many competitors but they had a lot of good reviews so I jumped at the chance. They appear to be of good quality although I haven't actually used them as I realized they weren't the advertised size. The material is thin and resembles the material of a tent you go camping in. That's what I wanted - strong yet thin and (presumably) breathable. Unfortunately, I needed a length of at least 42 inches to accommodate some of the garments I wanted to tuck below without creasing. So I was sure that ordering bags advertised as 43 inches would be sufficient after measuring the clothes on the hanger and also measuring some of the other clothes bags I have. instead of the advertised 43 inches in the most generous way possible. This made them too small to be of any use to me, which is unacceptable for an article with misinformation in an ad. I know I could order 54" bags, but I wanted to go for the shortest bags that fit me to save closet space - and if they were really 43" or even 42" they would be perfect fit. I'm sure a 41 inch bag will do for many purposes, but it won't work for my purposes and I don't like things being misrepresented. So I returned them and will use other garment bags that I know will fit. The manufacturer or Revain should update this product information to ensure it is correct.
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