break easily which means they are inexpensive as you will use them quicker. I usually buy hefty 3 mil bags for contractors at Home Depot but decided to give them a try for the price; bad idea. These bags are NOT very strong, they tear easily and tear frequently. I can't even slip broken boxes in without them poking and poking through the bag. They don't stretch well and that seems to be a breakage issue. They often open when they are 3/4 full and fall out of the deck. Sturdy bags don't do that. Finally, those bags have to be tied with ties from the grocery store; so difficult to make because they are straight and deep at the top but tall and narrow. Hefty bags have tabs at the top of each side so you can easily tie the bags shut. Bold 3 mil won't tear, stretches well and is wider; I'll go back to hefty 3 million contractor pockets. I'm tired of repacking garbage from open bags.
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