The mouse battery ran out, took out the batteries, but could not insert them. The battery compartment is so short that + 1mm and that's it, it doesn't fit. This is tin, of course, it is so stupid to make a landing slot for a battery. The whole impression about the product was spoiled.
To provide a more comprehensive review, I've attached some photos.
Logitech M510 Blue Wireless Mouse with USB 🖱️ Unifying Receiver - Comfortable Shape, Back/Forward Buttons and Side-to-Side Scrolling
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🖱️ Logitech MX Master Wireless Mouse: High-Precision Sensor, Easy-Switch up to 3 devices, Meteorite Black
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Renewed Logitech MX Master 🐭 3 Advanced Wireless Mouse: Exceptional Performance Guaranteed
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Renewed Logitech K800 Wireless 💡 Illuminated Keyboard: Brighter, Better, and More Convenient
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Sennheiser PC 8 2 Cancelling Microphone
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Apple AirPods Pro MagSafe RU Wireless Headphones, White
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Logitech HD Webcam C270: Crisp 720p Widescreen Video Calling & Recording (960-000694), Lightweight and Portable at 3.15 lb.
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Renewed Logitech G PRO X Wireless Lightspeed Gaming Headset with Blue VO!CE Mic Filter for Immersive Gaming Experience
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