I purchased because I make handbags and small bags. The product looks good. I had a a very thin leather pc I cut to test when I got the product. It wouldn't cut it at all, it put a dent in it but not through it. I sent back they were not sharp, I tried on different fabric, same thing. They were fast at getting my money refunded. Then I get an email thing me to return the product or I will be charged for it again. I contacted ebay they assured me they did receive it back a month ago and I will not be charged again. I just don't know why the company would email me a month after already having the product back. Crazy. Thankfully i was assured by ebay it won't be charged.
LolliBeads (TM) 1.5 Mm Genuine Round Leather Cord Braiding String Dark Brown Espresso 10 Meters (10 Yards)
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Fiebing’s Edge Kote, 4 Oz. - 🖤 Enhance Leather Edges with Color Coating - Black
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REED Leather HIDES - Cow Skins (12 X 24 Inches 2 Square Foot, Brown)
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6Mm Stainless Steel Diamond Punch Stitching And Lacing Chisel Set For Leather Crafting, With 2/4/6 Prong Rows
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3Mm X 220Yd Macrame Cord - 100% Natural Cotton Rope For Handmade Plant Hanger Crafts
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Nokian Tires Nordman 7 205/55 R16 94T winter
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Mosaiz 18-Color Face And Body Paint Kit With Metallics, 3 Brushes, And 30 Stencils For Kids Party, Purim Costumes, And Professional Makeup.
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