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Review on LABANCA Printed Shoulder Drawstring Crossbody Women's Handbags and Wallets with Enhanced SEO by Kristin Lee

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Don't expect an expensive handbag

Not bad overall. When you pay that much for a bag, don't expect high quality standards. The bag had a sticky feel and a strong smell, but that's not really a problem, it's possible the bag was shipped right after it left the factory. The gold chain is of course also damn cheap. The bag itself is adorable but BEWARE - it is very small. It's like I can't fit my Michael Kors wallet in it, but this bag is perfect for a college party or any small event where you don't have a reason to lug around a lot. There is a small clip-on credit card organizer, there are no pockets in this bag and the chain is not adjustable, but for a 5ft 2 person this isn't much of an issue. The bag came with a free gift – a fake Urban Decay Naked3 brush. Free stuff is nice, but remember Urban Decay never made the Naked3 brush set. The quality of the brushes doesn't seem that bad but they definitely smell like fake and you can tell they aren't high end. Overall I am satisfied with this purchase. I wanted a small bag for a few hours to limit what I carry. Don't expect to use this for everyday use unless you carry two things with you every day.

  • This is amazing
  • Some bugs