Works as intended. The roller is mostly made of metal; ok but we have never had a broken plastic roller on any of our other vacuums in the past during the life of the vacuum. The rollers usually need to be replaced as the brushes wear out which is why I bought this replacement. Unfortunately, because it's metal and there are so few parts sellers for that particular brand, it costs 2-4 times more than the replacement for most popular vacuums, and it's your only option. To me, this is more of an expensive gimmick than anything else. A factor to consider when looking for a new vacuum cleaner. You can easily replace the 4 brushes on the roller, but they cost almost as much as a new brush roller and the company doesn't provide instructions on how to replace them. The company representative who answered my question 3 days later explained that the roller should be sent to a qualified dealer but it would cost even more, not to mention the roller would not be serviced. Ridiculous.