For many years I have regularly bought plastic toothpicks from local W____art stores. They were translucent with a touch of white. They came in a clear, rigid, rectangular plastic box with a hinged lid. I couldn't find them for a while and was glad to see the same thing on the Armonds Revane I thought. So I bought both white ProPicks and green MicroPicks. Unfortunately, they don't go together in many ways. (1.) The plastic used is different. These are much, much softer. So soft in fact that they don't work well because the tip just bends. Also, on the originals, I could bend a long "handle" into a shape that allowed me to reach out from the other side, so to speak. They hold any shape I bend them into. With the low quality plastic they're made of, not only do they keep their shape, but you can't even bend them because they're easy to break. They don't snap or snap in half, more like a green twig if you try to break it in half. That's what these toothpicks do when you try to bend them. (2.) The original toothpicks have small ridges left over where the plastic was injected into the mold. The little bumps were slightly irritating but not really important. Instead of one small protrusion, they have three small sharp protrusions, two on one side and one on the other. I have to cut them with a sharp knife, not only so they don't cut my lips, but also so they don't hurt to hold. (3) The part of the toothpick you are holding. on should be square or rectangular in profile, that is, when cut through it should not be a parallelogram. In this case, the shape is a parallelogram of which two opposite angles are significantly larger than 90 degrees and the other two opposite angles are significantly smaller than 90 degrees. Because of this, toothpicks tend to roll when held between the thumb and forefinger until the flatter part is pinched between the thumb and forefinger. This natural, inevitable twist causes the tip of the blade to point in a very awkward direction, making it difficult to aim the blade directly into the space between two teeth. For this reason, and the toothpick's tendency to bend due to plastic that is too soft, toothpicks are more frustrating than helpful. They look like the real thing but the plastic isn't the same and the production is sloppy. I find them almost useless and very disappointed that they are not what I expected based on the looks. I advise against buying them and urge Armonds to either make them exactly like the original or stop making them. In fact, I urge Revain to stop participating in the sale until Armonds fixes these issues.
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