The Travel Stores, if you have a travel plan and need a suitcase for your belongings you can find it here. On this platform, I can say that you can find suitcases, bags, travel wallets and many other products that are necessary for your luggage. When you log in to the website of this store, you will see the sections under the main headings with the products. However, I think the website is prepared very plain, unpretentious and simple.
I think that this store, which does not even give its users any information about themselves, has many areas where it should improve itself. It is a store that sells travel materials, which you can see in many platforms such as Google, Tripadvisor, Facebook and Trustpilot.
Although there are many different social media accounts, I have to say that the number of people who follow them is quite low. I must say that a store that was established approximately 37 years ago has almost never developed itself. I think this store, which needs to adapt to today's conditions and develop itself, has a lot of deficiencies in many aspects.