First of all I want to say that I was impressed by the speed of delivery of the goods. I ordered it in the morning and it arrived in the afternoon. I washed my car over the weekend, but the weather suddenly changed and I know it's going to rain soon. Luckily the lid arrived and we opened and put it on straight away. It comes with a dust bag, making it easy to store and keep clean. The case is thick and very well made. The color is nice too and it looks classy. There are 2 straps, 1 in the front and 1 in the back to hold the cover on the car. There are also crumpled parts on each of the 4 sides to hold the cover together with the car and prevent it from flying away. It's so easy to put on. Then I was right, an hour later it was raining heavily, such a strong wind. I checked this morning and the car is completely dry inside. Another favorite part for me is the zipper on the side of the door. This way you can open the door without opening the entire lid. I bought a smaller cap and it fits my Mercedes CLK perfectly (just for reference). But for a larger sedan, I recommend buying the larger size.