This bag's materials seem to be very high quality. The zippers are robust, padding is good (including the "floor padding" of the laptop compartment, which is nice), handle is thick, and nicely round-beveled. Note however, that the main (non-laptop) compartment is very limited, and cannot even hold a large water bottle. It is very wide, however(can even hold a vinyl record as one reviewer on the Brenthaven site noted). The size of the (almost perfectly rectangular) main compartment is: 17" height 13" width and (here is the problem) about 1.5" inch thickness. Of course it can stretch a bit in the center, so you can add a thicker object in there, but it's not ideal. What this seems to be designed for is a laptop plus 1.5 inches of paper stuff.The laptop compartment (why don't all backpacks online have this info exactly?!?) measures 11"x16"x2". That is: 11" width (can hold up to a 12" width laptop, given that you may let the laptop squeeze the padding sideways a bit), 16" height (17" at its highest point but if you "round down to the nearest rectangle", it's only 16"), and about 2" depth (i.e. up to 2 inches laptop thickness).
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