You can view your favorite live tv without having to stream anything from the internet using SnapStream. I recommend this app for anyone who wants to watch their favorite programs and sporting events without relying on other media such as Google Play or Apple TV. This application helps me stay in control when I know my schedule could change at any time. This allows me to easily pause or continue watching the program as soon as I realize I miss something. All you need is to sign up for an account and download the application from your phone. Everything is easy once you get used to the concept and layout of Snapstream. If you are looking for something that will help you take advantage of the various streaming services available, then go ahead! It's worth trying. I enjoy taking advantage of all the streaming services available but not having to rely on the Internet to do so. The ability of the platform to allow me to search through a vast amount of content at once. The ability to create custom playlists that have specific content that I am looking for. The platform is expensive and the product is not always intuitive at first, but once you have it down it is great. We are able to find content on the fly that we would have otherwise missed. Our customers love the ability to create playlists and get alerts when they receive new content.