Helmet only received a few days ago but so far this helmet is fantastic. I read some bad reviews so of course I wasn't sure, but there were also some very positive reviews so I went for it. The helmet looks great, I also ordered a tinted visor and now it looks even better. The quality seems very good, it's very comfortable to wear, the vents keep you cool which is great as it was mid 90's. My old helmet was XL, I ordered that, it fits me very well. The music sounds really good, I drive HD but I can still hear my music perfectly but I wear hearing aids so I don't know if I have an advantage in that regard. Haven't tried using the phone yet so can't give an opinion on that but I'm sure it will be good. The controls on the side are easy to use and will take some practice. The helmet also has a built in tinted flip up visor which I wasn't aware of, it's similar to the visors you see on a fighter pilot's helmet. I don't think you need to buy an additional tinted visor, but I like the one I bought. On Saturday I contacted support for instructions on how to replace the visor. They replied the next day. Changing the visor is very easy. I can't say anything about the battery life yet because it's way too early. But I can say that it is very easy to attach the battery. I'm really happy with the helmet so far. I can't understand why people are leaving bad reviews but I know sometimes a bad product can slip through and some people might not follow the instructions so maybe that could cause problems. Finally, the gloves they ship for free are XL and I usually use medium sized gloves but surprisingly they fit (sorry for the pun) like gloves and they are better than the ones I had before.
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